Are you thinking of becoming Catholic?
We are beginning to form a new group of people interested in looking into the Catholic Church and thinking of joining the Church.
Is RCIA what you’ve been looking for?
RCIA - the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults - Is the process through which the Church welcomes new adult members. It is a journey that involves a conversion of the heart and becoming a disciple of Jesus within the Catholic community. These newcomers to our faith family may be unbaptized persons, persons who have been baptized in another Christian tradition or baptized Catholics who have neither received their First Communion nor the Sacrament of Confirmation.
If this is for you or someone you know, please call the Parish Office at 829-0090 or email Matthew Bove. It could be the best decision you’ll ever make.
Your participation in the 2025 Annual Catholic Appeal is vital for the success of our parish and diocese in evangelizing to all. Your donations go directly to the diocese and funds are distributed to different groups to minister to the people.
Watch this video to learn the different ways the Trenton Diocese utilizes the donations sent in order to minister to different groups in the diocese.
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